KAC meets with the DOI

KAC meets with the DOI

Read the 11.28.2022 Update from the KAC here On Monday, October 25th, Dr. Jeff Meyers, KAC President, Dr. Eric Davis, KAC Government Affairs Chair, and Dr. Rachel Wendt, KAC Executive Director, met with the Commissioner of Insurance regarding the issues chiropractors...
F4CP Group Membership for KAC Members

F4CP Group Membership for KAC Members

Infographics, marketing road maps, brochures, flyers, white papers and eBooks are just some of the benefits that the Kentucky Association of Chiropractors and the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress bring our members. If you were not aware, the Kentucky Association...
Many Americans Struggle to Meet Healthcare Costs

A Life of Service

It is no secret that serving as the Foxworth Family Scholarship Administrator is my favorite job. It is not just managing and awarding the scholarship each year; it is getting to know each recipient. Inspired by the Chiropractic Future Strategic Plan, and looking into...