ChiroHealthUSA is thrilled to announce Julie Ludovici Ward as the 2024 Foxworth Family Scholarship recipient. Julie’s journey, marked by significant personal challenges, is a testament to her resilience. She became an emancipated minor in high school following...
In chiropractic care, accurate and appropriate use of timed therapy codes is essential for ensuring compliance with federal regulations and avoiding legal pitfalls. Recent legal actions against The Grand Health Care System and its affiliates highlight the importance...
Rising healthcare costs are an increasingly pressing issue for many Americans, affecting their ability to access and afford necessary medical care. Among those feeling the strain are patients seeking chiropractic care, who are particularly burdened by the financial...
Running a successful chiropractic office involves more than just excellent patient care. Efficient management, effective marketing, streamlined operations, and financial acumen are critical components. To achieve these, many chiropractors turn to practice consultants....
ChiroHealthUSA is proud to introduce our latest endeavor in advancing chiropractic care: the groundbreaking podcast ChiroSphere. Hosted by Dr. Ray Foxworth, founder and CEO of ChiroHealthUSA, ChiroSphere aims to empower chiropractors and their teams with invaluable...