Who we are

The Kentucky Association of Chiropractors has been advancing the health of Kentucky through chiropractic since 1916. We are a 501(c)(6) organization that empowers, educates, informs, and advocates for Kentucky chiropractors.

2024 KAC Objectives


15% Increase in KY Chiropractors that are members of the KAC

Trusted 1st Choice

KAC is the trusted 1st choice for information, resources and support to chiropractors in Kentucky

No Restrictions

Reduce the adminsitrative burden on provider’s office and increase patient access to care

About Us


The mission of the KAC is to empower the chiropractic profession in Kentucky to improve the health and well-being of the public.


Our vision is to change the face of healthcare in Kentucky to include unlimited, unrestricted access to a diverse and unified chiropractic profession.


The KAC believes strongly in Promoting Excellence with Integrity. We are a Member-Driven organization that is Present Conscious and Future Focused.

Plan Process

The Kentucky Association of Chiropractors Board of Directors met March 23-24, 2024 to chart a course for the KAC. The process involved in-depth discussion, collaboration, debate, and consensus on the overall direction that is described in this plan.

The attendees agreed to advance the plan by completing the outlined tasks and future established 90-day tasks, to hold each other accountable for their completion, and to continually strive to achieve the long-term objectives while staying true to the KAC’s mission and core values.

Getting from here to there…

The Major components of this strategic plan

A. Mission that defines our why
B. Vision that is inspirational, aspirational and looks into the future
C. Major long-term goals that will lead to achieving the Vision
D. Short-term SMART goals that are the next steps toward achieving the Visionary Objectives
E. 90-Day tasks that are the bite size things that must be done to meet the One-year Goals

90-Day tasks are the bite-size things that must happen in order to achieve the One-year Goals. These tasks are reviewed and approved by the full KAC Board of Directors.

Then, at each meeting, the Board of Directors will review the progress of each task, hold each other accountable, and celebrate the accomplishments towards advancing the goals.

The sections within the 90-Day Tasks pages are grouped by the Tasks Forces assigned to advance the Plan.

Strategic Plan in Action

Successful strategic plans are designed with a focus on the Vision that supports the Mission of the association. Actionable tasks are performed on a regular basis with accountability and will lead to accomplishing short-term SMART goals. When short-term goals are met year over year, then they lead to achieving the long-term objectives.

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