by KAC Staff | Apr 26, 2022 | CHUSA, Partner Articles
You did it! You finished school! You passed your National Boards! You have your license! Now you are embarking on a new career and starting a business. Here are a few things to help you be successful. Know Your Business. You have spent years learning how to diagnose...
by KAC Staff | Apr 12, 2022 | CHUSA, Partner Articles
In 2021, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) budgeted $329 million for oversight of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, including Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Program activities and law enforcement activities coordinated with HHS and the Department of...
by KAC Staff | Mar 22, 2022 | CHUSA, Partner Articles
“Disaster recovery” is a vital part of business continuity planning. The term refers to your practice’s ability to bounce back in the face of any event that significantly impacts your productivity, staff safety, or organizational security. Typical examples are...
by KAC Staff | Mar 1, 2022 | CHUSA
No sector has worked harder than healthcare to protect both society and themselves during the pandemic, with chiropractors deemed essential in March 2020. Since then, the pressure of COVID-19 has rolled many critical practice issues into one and made it more vital...
by KAC Staff | Mar 1, 2022 | CHUSA
Value-based care (VBC) is basically quality over quantity and is directly linked to Medicare and Medicaid. Under VBC, practices can gather financial incentives through frameworks such as Advanced Alternative Payment Models (AAPMs), the Merit-Based Incentive Payment...