March 1, 2022 Caresource Update

Last week, the KAC’s Insurance Relations Committee held another meeting with CareSource to discuss the ongoing issues providers are experiencing with claims and reimbursement. Thanks to your responses to our survey we were able to show CareSource this was a statewide...
Are You Really a Cash Practice?

Are You Really a Cash Practice?

Author: John Davila, DC Across my travels to chiropractic schools and practices, the most confusing issue I run into is the definition of what a “Cash Practice” is and what liabilities a cash practice has.  Let’s address the simple part of the cash practice...

New KAC Member Benefit – Clinical Compass!

The Clinical Compass Evidence Center Available to KAC Members! For the past 2 years, a conversation about disease prevention, health promotion, and public health has penetrated nearly every aspect of society.  We don’t need to get into all the specifics and...