Health-Related Quality of Life Among United States Service Members with Low Back Pain Receiving Usual Care Plus Chiropractic Care Plus Usual Care vs Usual Care Alone: Secondary Outcomes of a Pragmatic Clinical Trial

This study examines Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS®)-29 v1.0 outcomes of chiropractic Abstract Objective This study examines Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS®)-29 v1.0 outcomes of chiropractic care in a...
Disaster Recovery Plans for Your Practice

Disaster Recovery Plans for Your Practice

“Disaster recovery” is a vital part of business continuity planning. The term refers to your practice’s ability to bounce back in the face of any event that significantly impacts your productivity, staff safety, or organizational security. Typical examples are...
Disaster Recovery Plans for Your Practice

How to Prepare for and Manage Payer Audits

There isn’t a chiropractor alive who doesn’t shudder at the thought of being audited. The feeling that every payment request is being scrutinized for the slightest error is a huge pressure, but it can be lessened by proactively prepping and managing the process...
Disaster Recovery Plans for Your Practice

COVID-19 and Staffing Challenges

No sector has worked harder than healthcare to protect both society and themselves during the pandemic, with chiropractors deemed essential in March 2020. Since then, the pressure of COVID-19 has rolled many critical practice issues into one and made it more vital...
Disaster Recovery Plans for Your Practice

What Is Value-Based Care?

Value-based care (VBC) is basically quality over quantity and is directly linked to Medicare and Medicaid. Under VBC, practices can gather financial incentives through frameworks such as Advanced Alternative Payment Models (AAPMs), the Merit-Based Incentive Payment...