by KAC Staff | Sep 19, 2022 | ChiroPreferred, Partner Articles
The problem with the word “compliance” is that it can have many meanings. For example, a quick look around the EHR marketing landscape shows us how the word compliance is thrown around like quarters in an arcade. When in reality, the term compliance should be related...
by KAC Staff | Sep 14, 2022 | Caresource, Insurance Updates, KAC News
We continue to regularly meet with CareSource regarding their lack of chiropractic policies over the last few years in efforts to come to a favorable resolution. After our meeting this morning – please implement the following in your office for CareSource specifically...
by KAC Staff | Aug 31, 2022 | ChiroPreferred, KAC News, Partner Articles
One of the most misunderstood tasks chiropractors face on a daily basis is how to correctly report the segments adjusted during a patient encounter and the use of the appropriate CPT code on a 1500 form for reimbursement. The issue at the heart of the...
by KAC Staff | Aug 29, 2022 | CHUSA, KAC News, Partner Articles
Being involved in chiropractic means you want to help people live healthier, happier lives. For many compassionate practitioners and their staffs, the tricky subject of payments can seem like adding more stress to the patient rather than taking it away. Here are three...
by KAC Staff | Jul 21, 2022 | Research Center, Uncategorized
Abstract Cervical artery dissection refers to a tear in the internal carotid or the vertebral artery that results in an intramural haematoma and/or an aneurysmal dilatation. Although cervical artery dissection is thought to occur spontaneously, physical trauma to the...