On April 19th, the governor issued new orders pertaining to all entities operating in Kentucky as well as specific requirements for healthcare facilities in Kentucky. These new orders replace all prior orders which have been rescinded. Click here to view.

All entities operating in Kentucky are now required to follow the following guidelines. Click Here To See Full Order ·        
      • Physical Distancing
      • Facial Coverings
      • Hand Washing and Sanitizing
      • Ventilation
      • Telework
      • Common Areas
      • SanitationDaily
      • Temperature/Health checks

Events with 1,000 or fewer persons in a single room or space are limited to the lesser of 60% capacity or the maximum number of individuals that permits appropriate physical distancing.

Events with greater than 1,000 persons in a single room or space are limited to the lesser of 50% capacity or the maximum attendance that permits appropriate physical distancing.

There are supplemental requirements for all healthcare facilities under which our offices fall. These are in addition to the requirements mentioned above. Click Here To See Full Order ·        

      • In areas where healthcare services are provided, healthcare facilities are not bound by Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements capacity restrictions. In healthcare service areas, healthcare facilities should exercise appropriate judgment and care with respect to the number of persons necessary in the context of the specific setting, services provided, and need to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
      • Healthcare facilities are required to comply with Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements capacity restrictions and other relevant Healthy at Work Supplemental Requirements in non-healthcare service areas (e.g., cafeterias, common areas, meeting rooms, office spaces, etc.) to the fullest extent practicable.
      • Licensed clinicians should determine COVID-19 screening and/or testing requirements appropriate to specific healthcare settings, healthcare services, and individual patient circumstances to promote clinician and patient safety to the extent practicable.
      • Healthcare facilities must maintain readily available access to a 14-day supply of all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) based upon a projected burn rate for the facility.
      • Healthcare facilities must require all persons at the facility to wear face coverings consistent with their role (e.g., clinician, other staff, patient, visitor, etc.) and in alignment with current CDC guidance.
      • Healthcare facilities should adapt their visitation policies as necessary to balance patient care and support needs with the need to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission. In this context, healthcare facilities must take the steps as above and in Healthy at Work Minimum Requirements to promote physical distancing, reduce congregating, and otherwise reduce the density of persons within their facilities.



Based on the above changes, there are some significant portions of our current requirements not present in the new guidelines. The requirement for cloth barriers, gloves, a parking lot waiting room and patient temperature checks have been removed. Physical distancing is required in common areas such as the waiting room. All persons must still wear a mask, and based on the CDC guidelines, our staff should wear procedure masks. All other persons in the facility can wear a cloth mask.

For any other aspects of clinical care, all healthcare professionals are asked and expected to employ “appropriate professional judgement to minimize spread of COVID-19 and reduce risk to patients receiving healthcare services.” The quoted language is in the supplemental document.

This will require you to evaluate your practice and patients to determine how your office moves forward. Please take time to understand the new changes and modify your office procedures accordingly.