We are thrilled to announce that nominations are now open for the Kentucky Association of Chiropractors (KAC) Board of Directors for Districts 2, 4, and 6, as well as the Executive Committee positions of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

This is a wonderful opportunity for committed and enthusiastic individuals to contribute to the leadership and direction of our association. Serving on the KAC Board of Directors allows you to play a pivotal role in advancing the chiropractic profession in Kentucky, advocating for our members, and addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Open Positions:

Board of Directors:

  • District 2 Director – Currently Dr Keith Bennett
  • District 4 Director – Currently Dr. Brandon Crouch
  • District 6 Director – Currently Dr. Julie Martin

Executive Committee:

  • President – Currently Dr. Jeff Meyers
  • 1st Vice President – Currently Dr. Sanda Crnkic
  • 2nd Vice President – Currently Dr. Kate Baker
  • Secretary – Currently Vacant
  • Treasurer – Currently Dr. Brian Tinius

Nomination Process:

  1. Eligibility: Any member in good standing with the KAC is eligible to be nominated for a position on the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee. KAC Members must have been a member for 5 years prior to election to run for the KAC Board. To be eligible for the Executive Committee positions, KAC members must have served in a leadership role as an officer, a director, alternate director, a member of an elected committee or Chairman of an appointed committee or an alternate director for two years.
  2. Nomination Submission: Nominations must be submitted online here: https://forms.gle/FqMFp5naCJja6omX6 and be filled out in its entirety.
  3. Deadline: All nominations must be received by August 21, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.
  4. Selection Process: The nominations will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee, which will ensure all candidates meet the eligibility requirements. The final slate of candidates will be presented to the membership for a vote at the upcoming KAC Annual Conference.

Why Serve?

Serving on the KAC Board of Directors is a rewarding experience that provides the opportunity to:

  • Influence Policy: Contribute to the development of policies and programs that benefit chiropractors across Kentucky
  • Network: Build relationships with chiropractic professionals and leaders from across the state.
  • Lead: Develop and enhance your leadership skills in a collaborative and dynamic environment.
  • Impact: Make a tangible difference in the advancement and recognition of chiropractic care in Kentucky.

To submit your nomination, please click here: https://forms.gle/FqMFp5naCJja6omX6  or contact the KAC office at kac@thekac.org or 859-554-4498.