2026 LB Payne
Insurance Seminar
January 17-18, 2026
Countdown to 2026 LBP!
Thank YOU to our LB Payne Sponsors and Exhibitors!
This event would not be successful without your support! Check out our supporters below and visit their website to see how they can help you succeed in your office!
Hotel Information
Holiday Inn – Louisville East
1325 S. Hurstbourne Parkway
Louisville, KY 40222
Room rate is $125/night plus tax
Room block link ends 12/26/2025
Exhibitor Registration
Join us in Louisville for the largest KAC event of the year!
Exhibitor registration is now open! We are currently taking registration via paper to eliminate registration errors.
Reasons to Attend!
Continiung Education
States Approved for CE
CE courses have been applied for credit for the IN-PERSON course in Kentucky, Mississippi and Florida. The 2024 LB Payne Insurance Seminar is PACE approved. Please adhere to your state’s specific licensing requirements as some exclusions may apply.
Check the KAC website for the most up to date approval list!
- Kentucky – Applied 20%
- Kentucky – PEER REVIEWED – Applied 20%
- Mississippi – Applied 20%
- West Virginia – Applied 20%
- PACE – Applied 20%
This course will count for the following for the IN-PERSON course:
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKYfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKY for 6 CEs for PEER REVIEWERS | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of MISSISSIPPI for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of WEST VIRGINIAfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will be appled for credit for the state of FLORIDA for 12 CEs through Logan University | Pending
This course is PACE approved | Course ID #: 90900
Up to 12 CEs
Up to 12 CEs
2 staff members included with your registration
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day pricing available
Ultimate &
Enhanced Member
Up to 12 CEs
Up to 12 CEs
2 staff members included with your registration
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day option available
* Enhanced members receive up to 18 CE hours/year with their membership. Login to check your credit available. When checking out, hit “Apply ELIGIBLE DISCOUNT” during the last step in your shopping cart!
General Member
Up to 12 CEs
2 staff members included with your registration
Access to exhibitors and vendors
Includes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, General, Life and Out of State Members
One-day pricing available
Up to 12 CEs
Networking with local chiropractors for your Community Clerkship!
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day pricing available
Behind the Podium
Speaker Snapshots

Kevin Sharp, DC
How to Run a Complaint Practice Profitably (It’s Not One or the Other) – 3 CEs
Generously sponsored by:



Rachel Wendt, DC
KY Insurance Updates
Detailed Agenda
Saturday, January 17, 2026
General expo hall hours: 7a-6pm
9:00 am - 9:50am | 1 CE
9:50am - 10:20am | Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!!
10:20am - 12:00pm | Dr. Rachel Wendt
KY Insurance Updates – 2 CEs
12:00pm - 1:30pm | Lunch
Grab lunch on your own and visit with the exhibitors!
1:30pm - 3:10pm | 2 CEs
– 2 CEs
3:10pm - 3:40pm | Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!!
3:40pm - 4:30pm | Panel - All speakers
All speakers – 1 CE
Sunday, January 18, 2026
8:00 am - 9:40am | Kathy Weidner
Medicare Mastery – 2 CEs
9:40am - 10:10am | Last Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!! Drawing will take place after the next quick break!
10:10 am - 11:50am |2 CEs
2 CEs
11:50am - 12:05pm | QuickBreak
Grab a bio break and head back to your seat! The sooner we get back at it, the sooner we can go home!
12:05pm - 1:45pm | 2 CEs
– 2 CEs
1:45pm | END
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Conference Session Plan
Saturday, January 17, 2026 Sessions
Rachel Wendt, DC | Kentucky Insurance Updates - 2 CEs
This course will cover important updates to Kentucky, Medicaid, and the Division of Workers’ Comp. We will dive deep into important requirements and reminders of medical necessity and documentation for your practice.
Close Accordion
Sunday, January 18, 2026 Sessions
More information will be added as it becomes available!
Close Accordion
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm an exhibitor, where can I find exhibitor registration?
Exhibitor registration is coming soon!
Can I bring staff?
Absolutely! 2 staff members of your choice are included with your registration! Please enter their name upon checking out.
No one without a registration badge will be allowed on the exhibitor floor. All must be registered.
Do you have a room block link for the hotel?
Room block link coming soon!
Room rate is $125 plus tax per night and includes breakfast coupons!
Room block closes 12/26/2025!
Are notes printed?
Like previous years, we are GOING GREEN!! If notes were given to us, notes will be availble in your account ahead of the session should you wish to print your own copy of notes.
Can I receive Peer Reviewer hours?
YES! Peer review hours will be availble. Stay tuned for more information.
Remember, your Peer Review hours must be above and beyond your 12 hours required for general education and cannot be the same courses.
I'm having difficulty registering online, is there a paper registration form?
Paper registration coming soon!
All pre-registrations must be received by January 13th. Any registration received after January 12th are subject to a $50 late registration fee!
What is your refund policy?
Refunds will be given if reques is received at least 7 business days in advance. No refunds will be given less than 7 business days prior to the event, however credit can be applied to a future seminar.
What states are approved for continuing education?
This course will count for the following for the IN-PERSON course:
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKYfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKY for 6 CEs for PEER REVIEWERS | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of MISSISSIPPI for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of WEST VIRGINIAfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will be appled for credit for the state of FLORIDA for 12 CEs through Logan University | Pending
This course is PACE approved | Course ID #: 90900