As we are coming to the end of the current Congress, the lobbyists for the ACA are urging states to move the efforts to the next phase required for passage of the Medicare Modernization bill – pressing current co-sponsors to urge chairs and party leaders to attach the 2654 language to “relevant legislation” during the lame duck session.

The KAC is now urging doctors to coordinate these next steps with the ACA delegate(s) in your state. Please make sure that you coordinate efforts and collaborate with your delegate to ensure we do not duplicate efforts and tax our resources.

If you know or are in either Representative Massie and Representative Yarmuths district to please make contact with them as they are current co-sponsors of HR 2654.

Again, if you are in Rep. Massie or Rep Yarmuths district – Please follow the below action steps:

  1. Ideally, the initial contact should be over telephone (see phone lists below).   Please use the script provided and ask that the message is conveyed to the health care aide and make sure to get that person’s name so you can follow up.
  2. Message/script to cosponsors:  LameDuckScript.docx
  3. Within 3-4 days, if you have not heard back, please contact the office again.
  4. Follow up messages may also be delivered via the congressional member’s website (see hyperlink on the phone list below)/local or Washington phone/staff email (if available) or personal meetings with representative/senator/staff. 

Once you have made contact OR heard back – please let current Kentucky ACA Delegate, Dr. Kate Baker, RN, DC, know. Her email is:

Useful links: