Last week, the KAC’s Insurance Relations Committee held another meeting with CareSource to discuss the ongoing issues providers are experiencing with claims and reimbursement. Thanks to your responses to our survey we were able to show CareSource this was a statewide issue affecting chiropractic claims since the beginning of last year.
We had 118 CaresSource providers respond with the top issues being denial for therapy codes for lack of prior authorization and denials for adjustment codes when billed with an extremity code.
These results have gotten the attention of senior management. This, in turn, has caused Caresource to spend the majority of their time working on changing the way they are processing claims. This is a tremendous outcome that would not have been possible without your responses.
This is why it is crucial to respond to surveys and emails when asked, and why it is vital to be a member of the KAC. We will continue meeting with CareSource on a biweekly basis until claims issues have been resolved.
If you are experiencing other insurance issues that we have not addressed please email the KAC at