109 KAC Annual
September 20-21, 2025
Thank YOU to our Convention Sponsors and Exhibitors!
This event would not be successful without your support! Check out our supporters below and visit their website to see how they can help you succeed in your office!
Speaker Sponsor
Foot Levelers
Speaker Sponsor
Hotel Information
Embassy Suites
1801 Newtown Pike
Lexington, KY 40511
Room rate is $149 plus tax/night
Exhibitor Registration
Join us in Lexington for the 109th KAC Annual Convention!
Exhibitor registration is opening soon! We are currently taking registration via paper to eliminate registration errors.
Exhibitor AV – All AV needs must be ordered ahead of time with your paper registration.
Please include your AV needs – either an exhibitor booth WITH AV or withOUT AV on the paper registration form when registereing.
Reasons to Attend!
Continiung Education
States Approved for CE
CE courses have been applied for credit for the IN-PERSON course in Kentucky, Mississippi and Florida. The 2025 109th KAC Annual Convention is PACE approved. Please adhere to your state’s specific licensing requirements as some exclusions may apply.
Check the KAC website for the most up to date approval list!
- Kentucky – Applied! 20%
- Georgia – Applied! 20%
- Florida – Applied! 20%
- Mississippi – Applied! 20%
- West Virginia – Applied! 20%
- PACE – Applied! 20%
This course will count for the following for the IN-PERSON course:
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKYfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of GEORGIA for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of MISSISSIPPI for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of WEST VIRGINIAfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will be appled for credit for the state of FLORIDA for 12 CEs through Logan University | Pending
This course is PACE approved | Course ID #: 90897
Up to 12 CEs
Up to 12 CEs
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day pricing available
Ultimate &
Enhanced Member
Up to 12 CEs
Up to 12 CEs
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day option available
* Enhanced members receive up to 18 CE hours/yaer with their membership. NEW – NO MORE GIFT CARDS!! When checking out, hit “Apply Eligible Discounts” on any step in your shopping cart! Not sure, check out this short video!
General Member
Up to 12 CEs
Access to exhibitors and vendors
Includes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, General, Life and Out of State Members
One-day pricing available
Up to 12 CEs
Networking with local chiropractors for your Community Clerkship!
Access to exhibitors and vendors
One-day registration available
Behind the Podium
Speaker Snapshots
Detailed Agenda
Saturday, September 20, 2025 | 6 CEs
General expo hall hours: 7a-6pm
9:00 am - 10:40am | 2 CEs
2 CEs
10:40am - 11:10am | Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!!
11:10am - 12:00pm | 1 CE
1 CE
12:00pm - 1:30pm | Lunch
Grab lunch on your own and visit with the exhibitors!
1:30pm - 3:10pm | 2 CEs
1 CE
3:10pm - 3:40pm | Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!!
3:40pm - 4:30pm | 1 CE
2 CEs
4:30pm - 5:30pm | KAC Annual Business Meeting
KAC Members Only
TBD pm | Logan University Alumni & Friends Dinner
Logan University Alumni & Friends Dinner during the Kentucky Association Chiropractors 109th Annual Convention
We are awaiting details from Logan on an Alumni & Friends dinner for 2025! Stay tuned!
Sunday, September 21, 2025 | 6 CEs
General Expo hours: 7am – first morning break
8:00 am - 9:40am | 2 CEs
2 CEs
9:40am - 10:10am | Last Exhibitor Break
Get your cash card stamped for a chance to win a few prizes including CASH!! Drawing will take place after the next quick break!
Don’t forget to check out of your room!!
10:10 am - 11:50pm | 2 CEs
2 CEs
11:50am - 12:05pm | QuickBreak
Grab a bio break and head back to your seat! The sooner we get back at it, the sooner we can go home!
12:05pm - 1:45pm | 2 CEs
2 CEs
1:45pm | END
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm an exhibitor, where can I find exhibitor registration?
Exhibitor registration can be found here! kac.ce21.com/item/133843
NOTE: All exhibitor registrations must be completed by paper registration form and sent back to the KAC office either by fax, snail mail or email.
Can I bring staff?
The fall convention is usually more clinical based. Staff are allowed, however typically the content does not apply directly to them directly.
Do you have a room block link for the hotel?
Click here for the room block link!
Room rate is $149 plus tax per night
Room block closes 8/29/2025!
Are notes printed?
Like previous years, we are GOING GREEN!! If notes were given to us, notes will be availble in your account ahead of the session should you wish to print your own copy of notes.
Can I receive Peer Reviewer hours?
No. No courses at the fall convention will count for Peer Reviewers.
I'm having difficulty registering online, is there a paper registration form?
Absolutely! Paper registration coming soon!
All pre-registrations must be received by September 12th. Any registration received after September 12th are subject to a $50 late registration fee!
What is your refund policy?
Refunds will be given if reques is received at least 7 business days in advance. No refunds will be given less than 7 business days prior to the event, however credit can be applied to a future seminar.
What states are approved for continuing education?
This course will count for the following for the IN-PERSON course:
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of KENTUCKYfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of GEORGIA for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been applied for credit for the state of MISSISSIPPI for 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will been appliedfor credit for the state of WEST VIRGINIAfor 12 CEs for general education | Approval #: Application Pending
This course will be appled for credit for the state of FLORIDA for 12 CEs through Logan University | Pending
This course is PACE approved | Course ID #: 90897